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We hold several large parties every year, such as, St Pat's Party, Fashion Shows, a BBQ and volunteer members help with planning, design, marketing, setup, meal prep, serving and clean up. It's a great way to meet new people and contribute to Askennonia's mission. 



Volunteer members staff our reception desk Monday to Friday, answering questions and sharing information about Askennonia and the larger community.  During the 3.5 hour morning or afternoon shift, they sell memberships and event tickets, answer phones and do plenty of other clerical work.  Computer skills are a definite asset.  Your smile is a definite requirement!



About 75% of our 50+ weekly programs are delivered by volunteer conveners.  Duties range from actually teaching a subject such as, french, line dancing or cooking class to simply taking care of the sign in sheet and returning any money to the reception desk.  Some program conveners prepare refreshments for the group and recruit volunteers to help do the dishes! If you have a skill or hobby you would like to share, talk to Blair or Melanie.  Nearly all of our programs started with someone wanting to either teach or learn something. 

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